Investing in a new house is probably very few of us can afford, with rising real estate prices and increasing cost of development. It is useful to know what you need to do in order to get things right the first time round, in order to avoid recurring costs and frequent trips to the bank. Firstly, you need a qualified architect who will be capable of drawing out the design as per space and aesthetic requirements. The second most important thing is to hire a reliable concrete service qualified to carry out the job to your satisfaction. Concreting services are readily available if you take some time out to search the web. In order to pick the best within a reasonable budget, here are a few things you should follow;
- Your requirements: you’re the client shelling out the big bucks to the contractor, so there are certain things to be expected from him, like supply of concrete slabs, optimum labour as well as delivery of the project on time. Make this clear to the company you’re holding talks with.
- Recommendations: this is a great way to obtain information about good services rendered in the past by a contractor with whom someone you trust has worked before. Seeking the opinion of a building inspector isn’t a bad idea either, because he knows practically every contractor in the locality who conforms to standard norms and practices and offer the best quality house slabs.
- Phone calls: a lot can be told from the telephonic conversation that you have with your shortlisted contractors. Their eagerness, queries and tone will be a good indicator of what you can expect if you take him on board. Some questions you could ask are – if can they handle projects of your size, if they can supply you with references for financial reasons, be it a bank or a supplier, a portfolio of work done till date, if there are any other projects going on for them at the moment (so that you know they have time for yours), and also a rough estimate of the time for commercial concreting at Crete IT they have spent delegating work to subcontractors.
- A meeting: having cut down your list to maybe two or three, pay a visit to their offices and observe the way things are running there as well, in addition to having a talk with your contractor. A good channel of communication has to be established. Because the contractor will often drop by to oversee the work on your house, he shouldn’t be a shady character who beats about the bush instead of committing to a time frame agreed upon mutually.